Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Bettina Lindmeier

Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Bettina Lindmeier
Schloßwender Straße 1
30159 Hannover
30159 Hannover
Office hours
until 31.03.2025: Appointment via Stud.IP
and by appointment
and by appointment

Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Bettina Lindmeier
Deputy Head of Examining Board
Examination Board Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation Sciences (Master of Arts)
Representatives for professors
Examination Board Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation Sciences (Master of Arts)
Office hours
until 31.03.2025: Appointment via Stud.IP
and by appointment
until 31.03.2025: Appointment via Stud.IP
and by appointment
Institute of Education for Special Needs
Key Topics of Interest in Research and Teaching
- Difference and inclusion
- Teacher education & professionalization of specialists
- Diversity-sensitive university
- Participation of disabled or disadvantaged people (i.a. in the context school assistance, joint seminars)
- Age/Dementia and Disability
Work experience
Since 02/2008 Full professorship (W3) for 'General Disability Education and Sociology' at the Institute for Special Education at Leibniz Universität Hannover 11/2003 - 01/2008 Junior Professorship (W1) for 'General and Integrative Education for the Disabled' at the Institute for Special Education at Leibniz Universität Hannover 2003 Representation of the professorship for 'Education for special educational needs' at the Institute for Special Education, Prevention, Rehabilitation at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg (returned due to starting position in Hanover) 1999 - 2003 Research associate at the Institute for Special Education, Prevention, Rehabilitation at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Department of Education for Special Needs (General Special Education) 1999 Participation in the research project 'Families with Disabled Children' (1999-2001, project management: Prof. Dr. Thimm), further research stay in England on this topic (2000) 05/1999 - 08/1999 Expertise within the framework of the federal research project 'Implementation of Model Concepts in Housing Facilities for Disabled Aid' at the research center 'Living Worlds of Disabled People' in Tübingen (project management Dr. H. Metzler) on the subject of 'Housing and well-being taking into account the structural Conditions' (contract for work) 1997 - 1998 Project coordinator in the accompanying scientific research on the de-hospitalization of people with mental disabilities from the psychiatric district hospitals in Bavaria (project management: Prof. Dr. Straßmeier, University of Würzburg) -
2004 Habilitation at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg; Venia legendi: General education for the disabled 2003 Admission to the habilitation at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg; subject of thesis: Categorization and decategorization in special education 1997 Doctorate (Dr. phil.) at the University of Würzburg 1992 Start of doctoral studies (special education, pedagogy, Ibero-Roman philology) at the University of Würzburg; subject of thesis: On the beginnings of bringing up difficult children with Johann Hinrich Wichern 1988 - 1992 Studies of special education, pedagogy, ibero-roman philology; degree Master of Arts (Magister Artium) 1987 - 1992 Studies of special education (behavioral and pedagogical learning disabilities, secondary school didactics: German, work theory, art) at the University of Würzburg; degree first state examination (erstes Staatsexamen) -
Awards and commitments
2017 Award for special commitment in teaching at the Faculty of Philosophy (together with Sarah Dreyer, Alice Junge, Mia Lücke, Dr. Dorothee Meyer, Prof. Dr. Claudia Schomaker) 1998 Research grant from the University Würzburg for a resaerch stay in Great Britain (endowment of the University's Jubilee Foundation) 1993 – 1995 Doctoral scholarship from the University Würzburg according to Bavarian law to promote young academics and artists 1992 Award of the 'Stifterverband' for German science -
Memberships and offices
Activities on the advisory boards of scientific journals
Since 2006 journal 'Geistige Behinderung' (until 2008); since 2009 journal 'Teilhabe' since 2004 journal 'Gemeinsam Leben' Memberships & practice transfers
German Educational Research Association (DGfE/Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft), division 6 "Special Education" and division 1 "History of Education" Association of Professors and Lecturers (Hochschullehrerverband) Since 2019 Member of the Advisory Board of the project "Fachkraft Leichte Sprache" 2017-2019 Scientific support of the Lower Saxonian core curriculum for the promotional focus intellectual development primary and secondary level I. 2006 – 2017 Working in the Housing Committee of the Landesverband der Lebenshilfe Niedersachsen Positions at the Leibniz Universität Hannover
2017 – 2019 Deputy head of the Institute for Special Education Since 2017 Director of Research at the Leibniz School of Education Since 2015 Member of the University Council Since 2013 Member of the Senate (proxy since 2011) Since 2011 Member of the Ethics Commitee 2008 – 2010 Managing director of the Institute for Special Education