Discover - Internationalization at Home

The Discover project aims to provide students in teaching degree programs at Leibniz University of Hanover with the opportunity to experience internationalization at home in times of intensifying globalisation, migration and intercultural interconnectedness.

The Discover project aims to provide students in teaching degree programs at Leibniz University of Hanover with the opportunity to experience internationalization at home in times of intensifying globalisation, migration and intercultural interconnectedness.

  • Dimension 1: Courses

    The project offers different online-courses in English. These courses address all interested students in teaching degree programs and incoming and outgoing Erasmus students. Students who study either special needs education or interdisciplinary bachelors may earn credit points for completing examinations and course achievements in specific modules or key skills. 

    The project offers the following courses:

    • The recorded lecture “Philosophy of Disability and Education” is available during the 2020 summer term. Students learn about disability, education and inclusion from a philosophical perspective. 
    • The recorded lecture “The German Educational System. Transformation towards Inclusive Education” is available during 2020’s winter term. Students learn about the background and selected research of inclusive education in Germany as well as by international comparison. 
    • A practical anti-bias seminar is currently taking place during 2020’s winter term.  The seminar aims to initialise a learning and reflecting development using methods and exercises starting from student’s experiences to increase the students’ awareness for different kinds of discrimination by discussing privileges, power and discrimination. The main goal is to develop specific ways of standing up against oppression and discrimination in situations occurring in the professional experience as a teacher but also in the personal life. 
  • Dimension 2: Excursions

    In September 2019, 12 bachelor and master degree students in special education participated in the excursion “Disability and Inclusion in London”. Work shadowing in various schools in London enabled the participants to experience different teaching and learning methods and gain new skills regarding inclusive pedagogy in another country. The excursion furthermore encouraged the exchange between British students and LUH students studying special needs education. The students got the opportunity to expand their language skills using academic English while taking part in propositions and workshops taught in English. 

    Please click here  to see more impressions of the excursion. 

    A second excursion (with modified program in form and content) to London is contemplated for either March or September 2021. Furthermore, day trips in the Hanover region will be planned for interested (exchange-)students who would like to gain a practical insight into the German school system in the Hanover region. The following schools and educational institutions have been taken into consideration: IGS List, IGS Wunstorf, Hannoversche Werkstätten, Berufsbildungswerk Annastift Hannover, Büro für Leichte Sprache Garbsen.

  • Dimension 3: Partnerships

    It is aimed to establish international partnerships with colleges and departments of education and practical institutions (e.g. schools) in the field of teacher’s education to transfer gained experiences and interlace external incitements. Students are offered the opportunity to take part in an international academic exchange and gain insight into various systems of education. 

Project staff & Contact persons

Katrin_Ehrenberg Katrin_Ehrenberg © Roland Schneider/Bilderraum Fotostudio
Dr. des. Katrin Ehrenberg
Research Staff
Schloßwender Straße 1
30159 Hannover
Katrin_Ehrenberg Katrin_Ehrenberg © Roland Schneider/Bilderraum Fotostudio
Dr. des. Katrin Ehrenberg
Research Staff
Schloßwender Straße 1
30159 Hannover